Session Insight-Samuel

Samuel’s energy was quite unique. I could see that Samuel absolutely has to be in situations where he can be innovative. When he’s not working (like he isn’t right now) he stagnates and feels lethargic and depressed. 
Part of Samuel’s life purpose here is to innovate, to innovate with other creative people, to be in an innovative   environment  where he is not only helping other people innovate and create, but he is truly expressing his desire and need to make things better and more effective in the most creative way possible, to come up with new ideas, to be inspired, and to inspire others. 
Anything that does not support this in Samuel’s life, will seem like a drag or wait on him. And those people who might keep him from achieving his goals, he’s not going to have a lot of use for.
Even though Samuel is currently living in Kansas, it looks like he’s going to move to a sunnier, warmer location which to me, possibly Orlando Fl area or near by. He may be working with a company affiliated with Disney somehow. 
It looks like he’s going to end up in advertising. He will possibly start out in sales but then because of his ability, will move up into creating print or tv advertising. 

Random Experience

When I was in Los Angeles, there was a woman sitting next to me and I noticed her energy right away. It was light and bright but foreign somehow with very little of the density I see in most people. 
It was almost as if she didn’t belong on earth. I felt the urge to talk with her so I asked her where she was from. 
“Nowhere and all over,” she said and began to tell me her story. As she spoke, I could see that her soul had come here as an experiment almost and didn’t like the earth very much or being physical.
 She used drugs (I felt like it was heroine) almost as a way of dulling the pain of being confined in the physical. I also suspected that she was transient and often homeless in order to feel less confined. 
The words “star seed” kept resonating. I’ll have to look up what that means. 
A lot of what she said seemed like the rankings of a crazy person, but when she smiled her energy was so brilliantly bright, it brought years to my eyes. 
A rainbow trapped in a prism that only wants to be free. So sad and so beautiful at the same time. 
Our souls connected for a moment and she told me thank you and goodbye.

Session Insights-Kyle

Hello hello

Kyle’s Energy is so unique. Every time I complete a phone session, I have to text or email him right after as a small flood of additional insight comes through.

I worked with Kyle for six sessions now. It’s interesting to see how he has expanded and lightened his energy. This last time I notice that Kyle had a huge amount if pink with a variety of  yellows in his field.

 I could also seen Kyle’s spouse’s Energy has softened toward Kyle.  Kyle shared that his relationship had deepened and that his spouse had been more loving, gentler, and kinder with him.

What has happened is that as Kyle has stepped more into his wholeness and embraced his higher joy, his spouse has begun to see another facet of Kyle and to know him more deeply.

Additionally, as Kyle is spiritually awakening, his spouse receives permission to do the same. As Kyle’s true self shines through more brightly, it beckons his spouses higher self.

I continue to be thrilled and fascinated by what I’m learning and sharing with every soul that comes to me!

This is so cool!!

Session Sight-Lily

I saw Lily for the fourth time the other day. Lily is in her early 50s, but seems much younger. I noticed her energy had become less dense. I’d done some energy work on her and she had been doing the recommendations I’d given her.

 I could see from Lilly’s energy that there was a new person coming into her life – a male energy and then beyond that, there were several other male energies coming in also. And a lot of opportunity for dating and romance

She told me that she had reconnected with a man recently. I noticed he had a calm energy though not as bright as hers and by spring, she may find him dull, although comforting.

Lily is going to create some different circumstances for herself coming up in the near future. This is really interesting as I can actually see flashes of Lily playing a new sport, being involved in a large project, and meeting new people who resonate with her well.

The new recommendations were interesting too… Tropical fruits and specific smoothies, full-spectrum lighting, and guided meditations.

I made a mind meditation for her of a relaxing tropical beach. This was just what she needed as she has a little bit of the winter blues.

I’m excited for Lily. She’s just starting a whole new chapter in her life!

Session Insight-Jeremy

  Jeremy’s vibrant energy came at me as soon as I opened his email. He has an incredible amount of pure color, but I noticed right away that there were empty spots where the color had vanished.

I felt that he was in a relationship that had erased some of his energy. At the same time, he used this relationship as an anchor as he was a bit  frightened that he was too “out there” to do well on his own.

Jeremy also felt safe in the relationship because he had not made good romantic choices in the past and thought that may be the case again.

What he needed to realize and what I could see in their blended energies was that this was a karmic relationship and that it was meant for the growth of both souls. That growth had reached its completion.

He also needed to know that his partner had already began detaching her energy and moving into other directions. She was going to be fine and was already starting to attract another, more suitable partner to herself.

I could see the vibrancy of his energy increasing as we talked about all that he would do when he was “free.”

When I had scanned his energy earlier, I kept getting the word “dive.” I asked him what that meant. He said that over the last few months he’d been obsessed with skydiving and had been watching videos and fantasizing about skydiving.

Even as he talked about this, I could see him on numerous dives and that he would make new friends and meet a new partner through one of those new friends.

Everyone’s energy is such a unique expression of the universe! Even though we are all connected, each of us offers a facet all our own!

Session Insight-Pat

I was excited to meet Pat. From the time I got her email, I was easily able to connect with her energy. Pat is an amazingly old soul. I could feel her energy was so strong and so deep with a serious, stoic quality.

When I met her and our session began I asked her not to share any information yet, but to allow me to share first. I told her that I could sense that she was very old soul. She came to this physical world for the purpose of adding to others. She came to be a reflection to others and to create a Calm stillness and stability for those around her.

 Because she took this role so very seriously, she seemed detached from her own needs… This life she created wasn’t about her.

When I shared my insights with her, they resonated deeply. It was time for Pat to be free to lighten up literally and figuratively.

Pat is caring about 50 extra pounds on her body. The weight was created in order to deflect attention from herself. Because her soul’s purpose was not to get attention, on some level Pat noticed that her attractiveness was getting her that unwanted attention and so her body decided to pack on layers of weight, thus trying to stay true to her deepest purpose.

In communicating with that part of her, we help it understand that if Pat is lighter and healthier , she can better fulfill her purpose here. She can also enjoy herself while she is here.

I did a mind meditation in Pat and an integrating energy protocol infused with the vibration of joy.

The weight will drop off automatically as Pat integrates lightness and joy into her life!

Session Insight-Lena

Lena came to me with a variety of concerns. Energies that she wasn’t quite able to key into herself. When I looked into her energy I saw some very interesting things. Lena has a very specific niche to fill in this world in fact she came into this lifetime very aware of what that Mitch was.

Unfortunately fears and blocks had gotten in the way of allowing that energy to flow through Lena and out into the world allowing her to fully express what she came here to do.

Even with those blocks and fears, pieces were coming through-pieces that she was aware of like small streams shooting out in different directions.

We were able to identify several of blocks. I asked her if she had a stressful relationship. That relationship turned out to be with her sister who had always been jealous and envious of the things that Lena had accomplished as a child.

Because Lena was a natural peacemaker, she made a decision as a young child to not allow her talents and abilities to flow forth for fear of being judged and rejected. And for fear of hurting her sister.

I created a mind meditation for Lena allowing her to loosen some of those blocks and old ides that no longer served her.

During the energy work, I pulled together the strands and little pieces of the flow that was already coming through her and tied them together.

She felt stronger and more centered.

Other suggestions came through as far as what to eat, certain exercises her body years for and specific affirmations her inner self needed to hear.

Testimony Kris Wilcox Weight Loss

“I can hardly believe that I’m 92 pounds lighter! I’m still in awe about how this happened. There was a shift in me… I became more of my authentic self and the weight fell off. Because I healed the inner blocks, there was no more need to binge. It was replaced by a craving for a healthy life style and I automatically moved in that direction without using guilt or even strict rules. This is a dream come true! I love my body!!”

Kris Wilcox

Kris is a bright and brilliant soul. When I saw her energy – even when I talked to her on the phone the first time, I could see that they were blocks. One of the blocks was created when she was 3 years old and had to do with self-esteem and receiving love. Three-year-old self-made a decision to protect herself.

Kris used that extra hundred pounds as a place to hide and not feel as vulnerable. It was for safety from intimacy and from attention that she didn’t know how to deal with yet.

As Kris took the steps to heal the old energy she was able to automatically take the steps necessary to release the extra weight and embrace her true, authentic self.


5 Ways Diet, Yoga, and Meditation Eased My Anxiety

Today I live a life that I love. But most of my childhood was marked by severe panic attacks, depression, OCD, and PTSD. I’ve had more panic attacks in eighteen years than you’d imagine — over 400. I don’t feel upset that I’ve suffered from so many anxiety attacks. I actually rejoice in gratitude because without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

When I was 13, I was told, “You are never going to college. You are going to live at home for the rest of your life.” Most would be horrified at hearing that, and though I was, I thought, “I’m not going to let that happen.” That was said to me five years ago and I have yet to let any of those words stop me.

I came to the conclusion that I was the only person that could help myself. My parents couldn’t take away my anxiety nor could friends. It was clear that if I wanted to enjoy my life, I was going to have to take charge.

So I got a little crazy — kale crazy that is! I started drinking greens. I’d bring spirulina drinks to classes with me. My teeth would often be stained green, but I thought it was cool. I openly shared with people what I was going through. I no longer felt like I had to keep my anxiety a secret and I made deeper connections with those around me.

Mindfulness became my saving grace as it allowed for me to see I had other thoughts I could choose — like positive thoughts. I learned to smile often instead of crying constantly as I had done in the past. I eliminated friendships that did not serve me. There was no room for negative thinkers, bullies, or unhealthy relationships. I realized it wasn’t one thing that helped me survive with anxiety — it was a combination of many different practices and lifestyles.

I believe an empowered life is a lot like a recipe. There’s not one ingredient, but many and they can be interchanged at anytime. This is my recipe.

1. Eat what’s right for your body.

I can’t eat gluten or dairy because it’s a trigger for my anxiety attacks. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Be mindful of how different foods make you feel. Staying away from processed foods and sugars are key, but after that get playful with your eats!

2. Show your body you care.

This includes healthy eating, but goes much more beyond that. Working out is giving my body the time to strengthen itself. Sleep is my gift of to myself to recharge. Self-care is not a random thing I do, but an everyday practice.

3. Eliminate what does not serve you.

This can be a negative thinking pattern or an unhealthy relationship. If it causes you pain, anxiety, or stress, let it go.

4. Be patient.

I still have panic attacks every once and awhile. Though this used to frustrate me, I decided to choose a more loving approach: patience. I recognize that it takes time to make shifts and I welcome the journey.

5. Explore.

Find what makes you thrive and be open to trying all sorts of things! I recently have fallen in love with hot yoga as my workout and stress reliever. I resonate with a mindfulness practice over another meditation. I’ve discovered that ‘A Course In Miracles’ is the spiritual practice that jives best with who I am. But I didn’t find these things overnight. I went on an exploration.

This is my recipe for my life, it may not be yours. But it’s up to you to discover the recipe for the life you love.

By Tessa Zimmerman

25 Ways To Experience A Breakthrough In Your Life

Do you wish your life were different in some way? Do you feel unhappy, stuck or trapped? Do you feel bored and unfulfilled? Do you feel like there’s another way to live, one that could be better, happier, and more soul-filled?

The good news is that there is!

It is your birthright to feel inspired and create a life that you can really love.

Here are 25 ideas for you to consider if you’d love to experience a breakthrough in your life.

1. Buy a one-way ticket to your dream destination.

2. Get healthy — do yoga, walk, skip, jump or dance.

3. Go to a painting, singing or dancing class.

4. Read the book called, The Artists Way (and start doing Morning Pages).

5. Forgive someone.

6. Take an improv acting class.

7. Plant a garden (or herb box).

8. Go to a farmers market.

9. Write the first page of your novel.

10. Start your own business.

11. Quit an unfulfilling job and go to a creative art school.

12. Work part-time (or volunteer) for an inspirational company.

13. Teach or mentor someone.

14. Go for a new look: cut, color or grow your hair.

15. Start speaking your truth.

16. Declutter your bedroom.

17. Sign up for an Outward Bound course.

18. Let go of something that drains you (a situation, person or event).

19. Have some quiet time alone.

20. Book a colonic session.

21. Do a yoga workshop or yoga teacher training course.

22. Set an intention for manifestation.

23. Ask to be shown the next step.

24. Heal and nourish your body.

25. Have a tarot or psychic reading.

The key is to listen to your body. When you read this list, notice what ideas make your heart beat faster with excitement and whisper, “Yes, I would love to do this.”

The next step is to take action.

Make today count by letting your courage be much bigger than your fears. Give yourself permission to have a breakthrough by taking baby steps toward your dreams and goals.

I know that you can do this. The reason I know this, is because I’ve done all the things on the list above. I know that you can too.

By Katrina Love Senn